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I am interested in Web3 which we use crypto wallet to sign in and approve everything on the site. There is a concept of Token which I believe is a stock currency for creator. People who buy NFT is buying something non-physical such as membership and connection on some networks. I created collection PrwOrigami (token: PRW) on Optimism chain and minted NFT Unicorn illustration for 10 units. I believe in Optimism chain and there is famous Thai developer in their team. If you want to hold PRW token, please kindly buy my NFT on OpenSea.

Make Money from Kusudama

My wish is everyone can do origami with low cost, so I create this website and make it free as much as possible. Some artists may not allow you to make money from their kusudama, but I want you to try sell it or make a YouTube channel with my kusudama design. If you make money in some way with using my design, please consider give me some donation.

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